June 14, 2013
Drogi Rodzina (Dear Family),
Koham was! (I love you all)
So this past week was pretty historic, as we met for Tuesday devotional for the first time... in the Marriott Center. They had all of us walk over. They opened up a side gate so we walked through a parking lot of the cleaning/work crew right by MTC and then crossed the street, then walked through the BYU parking lot right there and right up to the Marriott Center. I was in choir, which was a huge choir. (thousands, they joked it was the entire MTC, I really wonder if it was). We sang a version of Called to Serve. Mervyn Arnold spoke and gave an amazing talk, I absolutely loved it and so did everyone else. His wife also gave an amazing talk. The Spirit was so strong. This is the Lord's work, and He is speeding up His work and preparing His servants even faster than before.
If you haven't heard yet, there is going to be major leadership training on June 23, at the Marriott Center, on Missionary Work. I am in the choir :) We are sing the same 'Called to Serve' version we sang for this past devotional, and 'Hark all ye Nations', which we'll start learning this week. I think its called "A marvelous work and a wonder"?? you can look it up on LDS.org. Anyone that wants to attend is welcome to, which is pretty cool and they're rebroadcasting it to the entire world... or leaders around the world. I looked it up and it is being translated into Polish :) It makes me happy knowing that the ecclesiastical leaders in Poland will be able to see it, in their own language. Plus I'm glad I'm going to be here another week or that would be super stressful, because they are changing our entire schedule that Sunday. The entire MTC campus and 'west campus (Raintree and Wyview)' will be at the Marriott center for the broadcast. There are A LOT of us here. Also..... the First Presidency will be there!
Relief Society is AMAZING! We meet all together.... and you know 19M, where everyone meets for devotionals? Its almost completely full of Sisters! (and that's not counting the 'west campus' sisters, they don't meet with us) Janice Kapp Perry wrote a new version of 'As Sisters in Zion', renamed 'The Sisters of Zion', same tune but different lyrics. We sing that every week.
TRC is intense now..... as we skype the Polish people. Real Polish people...in Poland. Gave me a heart attack this past Monday. Usually TRC is on Thursday for us, but they changed it to Monday mornings. So Sister Ott and I taught a Polish brother, who is a returned missionary. It was great to be able to hear real Polish. I learned how they correct people.... a lot..he got frustrated that I would apologize for messing up after he corrected me, I was very confused. I would also thank him for correcting me, which he didn't like either.... apparently I'm not allowed to have manners.... ;) I think it was just this particular person's personality. My polish is no where near fluency, but it is amazing how well I can speak it. I also can read it and translate it way better than I would expect. Almost as well I can translate French, which mom, you know how great that is ;)..... Gift of tongues is real! and I am truly being blessed right now. I can feel the prayers and the support. The Lord is with me, which I am so grateful for.
I love you all so so much! Have a great week!
Siostra Ellis