Thursday, August 29, 2013

Week 16 One last week of the transfer!

August 26, 2013
So this week is the last week of my first transfer! This transfer is one week longer than normal (9 weeks). No idea what will happen next transfer, I'll find out next Sunday. I know the Lord has it all figured out and I'm excited to see what amazing people He'll send me to next, if I even leave wonderful Wrocław. 
First, we had zone conference this week and our Mission President, President Edgren has a wonderful vision of Poland! And he's given us a bunch of 'responsibility' to do this! Officially....we are a 'white-handbook' and 'Preach My Gospel' rule mission. We have NO rules other than what is stated in there, with the responsibility to remember the dignity and sacredness of our calling and to only do what is in line with this sacred calling. As Elder Durrant, a senior Elder said, "Its time for everyone to either sink or swim", its up to us to make our own personal rules relying on our personal relationship with our Heavenly Father as a guide. 
2nd part of President Edgren's announcements which is important for all missionaries: the importance of using ALL resources the Lord has given us to further His work. All of our talents, all our gifts that He has given us. Every single thing can be used to further the work. So we now have the responsibility and obligation to 'go to heaven' in prayer and creatively and come up with new ideas that we can bring people closer to our Savior. Some things that have already been done: drawing plan of salvation on the ground in sidewalk chalk, bubbles in the park, and many others (only bubbles were by Sister Blake and I).
We now have two people with baptismal dates for October 12, Tomek and Czesława, we've only had two lessons with them. I'm excited to see their progress in the coming week. 
There were some amazing experiences this week as to me seemed like people were coming to us! A lady came to us on the train, and by the end happily left with a Book of Mormon and with the intention to coming to church if we gets her job and moves to Wrocław. Then, one of our investigators, Marta invited her friend to come in on the lessons, and we're teaching her now; and then Tomek has already been looking into the church and is friend's with Czesława (one of our formers that's now progressing) and came over during our lesson with her and now he's coming to church and progressing towards baptism. Also, Lucyna is hopefully bringing one of her friends. These investigators are 'catching the wave' even if they don't know it! ;) Its wonderful! I love seeing these people who are actively seeking the gospel and now we're able to give it to them. The Lord is actively a part of His work and I'm so grateful to be able to see it and recognize it. 
Also, I want to share my testimony, out of everything I know, I KNOW this: 
I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are there for us. I know that they know us by name, and are involved in every single thing that happens in our lives, helping us every step of the way. 
"What comfort this sweet sentence gives, I know that my REDEEMER lives!"

Miłego Dnia! 
Siostra Ellis
                              Castle front and back with Sisters Blake & Ellis
                                          First Polish Meal

Monday, August 12, 2013

Week 15 Greatest of all gifts-Our Heavenly Father's love (1 Nephi 11:21-23)

August 12, 2013
Dźień Dobry!
First to answer some questions about food and weather. Weather..... a couple of the days recently it has been super hot, and then when it cooled down in the nighttime, it caused thunderstorms, I loved it. The thunderstorms reminded me of Heavenly Father's power and His love for me. I felt the protection and love that He gives each of us. The rainstorms have been absolutely beautiful. Sister Blake and I have only been caught in one of the many rainstorms (what a blessing!) and it was hilarious huddling under a small umbrella trying to walk home without getting soaked, it was a great moment. It's really been cooling down lately, I think last night was the first night that it got slightly cold with the window open. The super nice weather has been a blessing, since there has been so many people out and about that we've been able to talk to.
Food, it doesn't seem that different to me. We cook most, like 95% of our meals. Which consists of ham and cheese sandwiches, sorta. Its not ham, its a different type of meat that tastes similar and different cheeses, I like fresh mozzarella and gouda cheese now (never tried it before now). Cheddar is not very popular here. Also, the bread here is super tasty, and fresh. Everything is organic, non-organic doesn't exist here. Once in a while, Sister and Elder Durrant will invite us over for a meal, which is always so wonderful and such a blessing. Sister Durrant is an amazing cook :). Last time, she made french toast with the most delicious buttermilk syrup. My first meal with an investigator is this Friday :)
This past weekend was amazing as President and Sister Edgren visited Wrocław and we had a fireside, they also spoke the next day in Sacrament meeting. I love the vision they have for Poland. It was absolutely wonderful. I found out how blessed we are to have such a young lively branch and we have a couple of families, which so far Sister Edgren said only one other branch has children. I love this branch so much, they are amazing strong people.
This week I realized what a blessing it is to know that God is our Heavenly Father, that the most powerful and all knowing God, is our Heavenly Father. He loves us dearly. Truly with our Father in Heaven and our Savior at our side, what can we not do? What obstacle is still great? There is nothing that stands in our way in doing the Lord's work and what a great knowledge that is to have.
Going to a castle for p-day this week! (I feel so blessed and loved!)
D&C 38:7-9
Alma 26:11-12,16
D&C 64:33-34
2 Nephi 25:26
Have a wonderful week everyone!
Siostra Ellis
                                             Tiffany at the train station

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Week 14 A bumby road

August 5, 2013
Dear Family and Friends,
This week was an interesting week.... our two investigators that were going to be baptized this Saturday aren't...but as soon as their concerns and issues are resolved I'm sure they will be.
Sister Blake had a 'bumby road' this week as many lessons fell through, we had many rejections and it was hard to contact people because of the heat. (It was so hot, everyone was hiding indoors, there were very few people on the street during occassions). But I learned so many new things. Sometimes Heavenly Father has to give us a little tougher times to teach us and stretch us. There are somethings that can only be learned when things aren't going smoothly. Heavenly Father knows what is best for us and each situation that we need in order to grow, learn and become the people that He knows we can be.
We started teaching a wonderful girl named Aneta. President Cieleński (our branch president) had a great idea of what he called a 'crash course'. We invited her to meet with us for the next two weeks, three times each week and to keep every commitment that we gave her, including praying, going to church and reading the Book of Mormon, we promised that at the end of these two weeks, she would know for herself that God does exist, and that He loves her. So far she is very willing and has gone to church and kept every commitment so far. She used to believe in God, but now is worried that its all in her head. Aneta is so wonderful, I love teaching her.
For p-day we went biking and that was fun. Poland is beautiful, I love it so much.
Though I lost my planner unfortunately,  it fell out of my bag while biking and I didn't notice till later, which had all my scriptures for this week (and many more things, but I'll find a way to replace them)
In First Nephi it talks about how the greatest and most desirable gift is the Love of God. I agree completly. I'm so grateful to feel His love.
Have a great week everyone and keep smiling! :)
Siostra Ellis
                                          Local burger joint
Sister Blake picking up Sister Ellis at train station on first day together 
                                       Biking around Wroclaw on P-day