Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week 27 Krakow! Loving the missionary life!

Ok, I have 7 minutes to write this letter, ready, set here I go.... ;)
So Kraków is absolutely amazing! It is a beautiful city full of happy wonderful people, I absolutely love it here! :) Also, the branch is amazing. Relief Society was just officially organized with a presidency called this past Sunday. Its a small branch, but the members are amazing and there is such a special spirit there. I absolutely love all of them. The work is amazing, Sister Swenson and I whitewashed and well Sister Allen and Sister King, the sisters before us did a great job of finding potentials and already setting up a bunch of lessons for us, its wonderful. It is quite the contrast from last transfer, I'm loving it.
I love being a missionary, I love the gospel and I love my Savior. I love my Heavenly Father and I'm so grateful for everything He gives me, which is SO much. I am so blessed.
I love you all of you, have a great week.
Siostra Ellis
p.s. sorry that I didn't have much time to write 11/12/2013

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