Monday, July 29, 2013

Week 13 Gratitude and Enduring to the End (2 Nephi 31:20)

So much happened this week.
First, for P-day last week my district went to the zoo, and the Spirit taught me a lot. We each have our individual purposes and abilities. There's good reason why we don't have elephant trunks and seals don't have monkey legs. We each have talents and abilities that we've been blessed with and we just need to discover what those are and thrive on them, then seek to develop more. Also, some may wish to swim as elegantly as the seal, but the seal may wish that it could walk on land like humans do, and oftentimes we may miss the great blessings we actually have.
I never realized fully how truly blessed Sister Blake and I are, here in Wrocław until we were on exchanges with Sister Allen (serving in Kraków). She came in Monday night and was with us till Wednesday afternoon. I learned a lot of from her, she is a great missionary and next transfer will be her last. She opened our eyes to the blessings we have. For example, we're only 20 minutes away from the chapel (which isn't a building on its own, its a section of a level in a building, I love our dear chapel), they're 45 min away from theirs. Also, I kinda thought everyone in Poland was teaching as much as us.... apparently not. So that makes me even more grateful to have the lessons that we do and the chance to run into the amazing people that we do on a daily basis. Also, Wrocław is apparently the second-most beautiful city is Wrocław next to Kraków, I'd agree that it is absolutely gorgeous here. It doesn't matter how hard things may have seemed, counting and realizing all those blessings, I realized that it really wasn't that hard and I should just be grateful ;)
With that gratitude, I decided to work even harder and I felt like I made leaps and bounds of progress with the language this week. I started really teaching more and we're almost to the point of teaching half-and half, which is amazing compared to a week ago.
I have seen so many amazing things happen this week, and also Tracy Allen (a former Poland missionary returned about a 1 1/2 yr ago I think) returned to Poland a couple weeks ago to do a 6 week school program to learn more Polish. She has a been a major blessing. She also taught in the MTC, before coming here. She's been able to teach us so much and been able to help us with lessons, understanding their Polish and being able to clarify what we've said when it didn't make sense. I am so grateful for her being here. I definitely see the Hand of the Lord is sending her here.
Yesterday was amazing, as we had one of our investigators show up to church, that never had before...and we've been teaching her since I got here. We've been encouraging her and been patient with her slow progress and scary moments when she says "I'm only meeting with you two as a friend, I'm not planning on doing anything with your church" (definitely a scary moment and we prayed hard, really hard for after that particular night). But now...she has a baptismal date for August 24. We taught her after church (actually we were on splits so Sister Tracy Allen and taught her) and I had written up a lesson for a different investigator who we expected to come, who didn't end up coming, and I felt prompted to use that one (we weren't planning on teaching this amazing investigator). It was 3 Nephi 9, and it turned into a beautiful lesson that just naturally led into the topic of baptism and we invited her and then we extended the date. I know that every minute of that lesson was guided by the Spirit and I was humbled to be able to be the instrument in facilitating the lesson. All credit and all success goes to Heavenly Father, I am so grateful to be the instrument.
Last night was amazing as well..... we decided that we we're going to get the standard (certain numbers in key indicators that everyone in the mission is meant to strive for), and by 5 pm, we still hadn't received 3 referrals, had 1 new investigator that we needed and we still needed to give out one more Book of Mormon. We decided we weren't going home or eating dinner (cause that would be at home), until we accomplished that. So we said a prayer right there on the sidewalk, turn around, talk to the first girl we see....and she's open willing. She loved what we shared from the Book of Mormon and we shared a mini lesson right there and then. She is excited to meet with us this coming week and she was excited to receive the Book of Mormon. (this is why there are numbers, to push us to find those who are ready, those amazing people that are just waiting for us). We then talked to every single person we passed (literally) and around 8:30 pm finally had our referrals. So we went home contacted 3 referrals (sent in our out-of-Wrocław referrals to the office) and then finally ate dinner. Yesterday was also one of the hottest days since I've been here in Poland. We got the Standard, which we found out was actually raised and we still met it. We are the first missionaries in Poland to achieve the higher standard. Being determined and enduring to the end is worth it!
I know that everything good that Sister Blake and I have accomplished since I've got here is all thanks to Heavenly Father and I'm so grateful to be the instrument. 'Glory be to our Father in Heaven'. Its Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's work, They're in charge :)
Some scriptures that I have found this week:
1 Nephi 3:7, 1 Nephi 9:6 The Lord always, always provides the way. (which I am so grateful for)
John 15, this had a major impact on how I look at missionary work and what my part is.
Philippians 4:13, 23
Siostra Ellis
                                    Sister Ellis, Tracy Allen (RM), Sister Blake
                                         Plan of Salvation in Polish
                                          At the zoo

Monday, July 22, 2013

Week 12 Be of Good Cheer

July 22, 2013
Dźień dobry,
This week was great! Baptismal dates for this Saturday have been moved to August 10 and 24. One of them on August 10 is an amazing lady named Teressa. I have seen a major change occur in her just since I got here, last week it was like a lightbulb switched on, and she was 'glowing with Spirit', fully ready to accept the baptismal invitation when we asked her. (This was not the first time she had been asked, but it was the first since I've been here). Her baptismal date was the 17th, but the branch is going to the temple then, so we had to change it, so this week we asked if she wanted it a week sooner or a week later, she confidently and strongly said she wanted a week earlier. She is amazing. There is so much joy in seeing the gospel change her life and see her eyes a glow with the Spirit.
I gave my first Polish talk yesterday in Sacrament meeting, it was on the Atonement. I used Preach My Gospel and the talk 'Redemption' by Elder L. Todd Christofferson. When I sat down, I could feel the Spirit very strongly, whether I spoke Polish properly or not, I don't know, but the Spirit reassured me that I did my part. I am so grateful for the Atonement. Words cannot describe how grateful I am. The empowering and enabling power of the Atonement strengthens me everyday.
Something else amazing that happened this week was also on Sunday (yesterday), during Relief Society I was a bit concerned on how I was going to meet all four our investigators that showed up to church's needs, because I couldn't understand a single word that they said, I knew they had questions, but I couldn't answer them, since I couldn't tell what the questions were. I then felt strongly of how much Heavenly Father loved those Daughters of His and how 'He has them in His Hands'. He knows His children and He takes care of them. After Relief Society Sister Blake and stepped out of the room to talk to Sister Durrant to do splits (I was teaching with Sister Durrant a wonderful 9 yr old girl that was just baptized last transferand Sister Blake was splitting with a member to teach one of the investigators) and we came back into the room to talk to the investigators and.... everyone single one of them had a member talking with them, answering their questions and also getting to know them. Every single one of them had their needs met that day.
Two wonderful scriptures I found this week: D&C 68:6 (as shown in subject line) and Mosiah 4:6-12. An amazing scripture that I was given that helped me through this week and I'm sure it will comfort all of you as well is D&C 98:1-3
Siostra Ellis

Week 11 Joy in the Journey!

July 15, 2013
This week has been interesting. It feels like forever ago that I was at Zone training, but it was just last week. Wednesday was the first real teaching day, since Monday was Zone conference and Tuesday was P-day. On Wednesday we had 5 lessons planned... every single one of them fell through. Either the person didn't show up, or they told us they couldn't after we called trying to figure out where they were, considering it was 10 min after when they were supposed to be there. But that gave us a lot of time to go out contacting, which was great :) We saw a hedgehog in the park and once we saw it, all the kids noticed and ran over and looked at it. It was shocking to see an animal other than a pigeon or a finch. (There are A LOT of pigeons,seriously, but I love 'em). Then Thursday came, we had 7 lessons planned, none of them fell through, which was great. It was crazy as we ran (literally) from lesson to lesson and eating dinner on the tram, which we had grabbed amazing tasty freshly made rolls and a chocolate bar at a local żabko (translates to little frog, its just a small grocery store that is about the size of a gas-station store, they have them all over Poland). (fun little fact, the bigger grocery stores are called Bierondka, which means ladybug :) ) We also had language study on the trams as well. 10 min. there, another there, it was crazy fun. Friday and Saturday had less lessons and most of the day was spent trying to contact people that either didn't answer their phones, or we needed to see them in person. We had 5 new investigators this week which was awesome. Also, we invited one of our amazing investigators, Teressa to be baptized and she was ready (and more than willing) to accept. She will be baptized August 17. Lucyna's baptismal date is the 27th of this month. We are doing all we can to make sure she's ready :)

Language wise....its coming. I'm slowing being able to contribute more and more to the lessons. Its getting easier and easier for me to say some sentances that I've memorized in order for me to contact on the streets. Sadly, most people don't want to talk to someone they can't understand, so I have a lot of rejection...and a couple people that yell at me, but you know I can't understand them, so joke's on them ;) I'm striving to improve my language skills more and more so that more and more people have the opportunity to understand me and draw closer to our Savior through the knowledge of the gospel. 
Also, every rejection makes every positive experience that much sweeter :) I also know that those that are open to the gospel will listen to me, or at least look further into online at or something. 

I know the Lord is preparing people to hear His gospel. I've seen it so much in the past two weeks and will continue to see it. I feel so blessed to be a missionary here in Poland and especially in the beautiful town of Wrocław. 

D&C 38:40-41 We're all a part of this work :) 
Alma 31:38

Joy in the Journey. As lyrics from the 'Joy in the journey' song from 'Day of Celebration', a couple years ago. "There is joy in the journey, joy in the climb, twisting and turning, reaching for the open sky, carving out each footstep, in the struggling we find, there is joy, in the journey" ...(at the end of the song)...."hoping, loving, learning, and the yearning of the turning of the time to go faster, till we're with the Master, but till then, there is joy, in the journey!" 

2 Nephi 9:39 S.M.I.L.E. 

Siostra Ellis 
                                        Bowling in the Sky Tower
                                        With a YSA named Ola

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Week 10 (2nd in Poland)

July 9, 2013
Witam tydzień drugi w Polsce (Welcome to week two in Poland)

Dzień dobry!
Yesterday was Zone training, so p-day was changed to today (Tuesday).
This week went really well. I'd say surprisingly well for it being my first week.
I want to give an example of the work that is going on here, and I will do that through numbers, but first I want to stress that numbers represent wonderful people that are being brought closer to our Savior. numbers are not statistics to see who's better, or anything like that, but to represent how many people are being helped and brought closer to Christ.
This week Sister Blake and I placed 11 Book of Mormons, taught 20 lessons, contacted (talked to them and received their information for further contact) 23 people, and have two people with baptismal dates (both July 27) and that are progressing.  My mission president during zone training said it well, "Poland is a baptizing mission'. There was not a single one of these moments where it was not the Lord who put those people in our path or guided us in what to say. This is our Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ's work, and we are just instruments. I am so grateful to be part of this work, especially at this time while He is hastening His work. I know that Heavenly Father knows and cares about each of His children. I also know that Heavenly Father protects His missionary and that He lifts, guides and strengthens us as we go about His work. I am so grateful.
I have had so many experiences this past week, I wish I could share them all. I'll try to share the most impacting ones.
First one was on my birthday, a couple things happened then. So first, as we were contacting on our back from a lesson, we ran into 3 people in a row who had already have the Book of Mormon and one them had read it all the way through and we ran into him again yesterday and he said he was coming to church on Sunday. (and I was just talking to him and I understood him completely which was a wonderful blessing :)) Then later as we were heading to an investigator's house to verify a referral they gave, and as Sister Blake was on the phone talking to one of the investigators, I felt prompted to talk to a man who had been staring at the Book of Mormon I was holding as we walked by. I turned around, walked back to him and in broken Polish, told him about the Book of Mormon and the Restoration. He read the pass-along card on the Restoration, looks up at me and says 'to jest prawdziwa' (this is true). Then I have him read parts of the introduction in the Book of Mormon and he says, 'this is probably true' (in Polish). I then get his number and commit him to read the Book of Mormon, but he refused to meet again because he said he lived way too far away and that he was only there because he just finished work. I was grateful that he promised to read the Book of Mormon at least.
Second amazing experience, this one happened just this past Sunday. We were in the park and Sister Blake was calling our investigators and some potential investigators setting up lessons and verifying times for this coming week. While she did that, I went around trying to contact people by myself.
As I came across one lady on a bench, she realized I couldn't understand anything that she said, but she wanted me to keep talking about the gospel. So I kept teaching what I could and I ended up saying "God loves you and wants to help, I want to help, that's why I'm here" and she asks me for a paper and pen. She writes down her address, at that point I get Sister Blake and she teaches her a part of the Plan of Salvation (mostly on the Atonement) and about the Restoration. She breaks down crying, asking what she should do and we promised this gospel could help her. We also asked that when she found this to gospel to be true, if she would be baptized and she agreed. We ended up writing our testimonies in the back of her Book of Mormon. She hugged us and verified that we were going to meet Wednesday multiple times. She is very eager for our meeting tomorrow (Wednesday). I know that Heavenly Father is mindful of all His children and I know that that was no coincidence meeting her at that time.
I love this work, I love being in Wrocław and serving these wonderful people. I love being a missionary and being able to be an instrument in the Lord's hands.
Heavenly Father knows our needs and will always help us. May all of you feel our Heavenly Father's love for you this week.
with love to all,  
Siostra Ellis 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Week 8

                           Last day with Brother Tribe in the MTC
                             MTC Sisters with the Polish Flag
           She flies to Poland via Amsterdam arriving in Warsaw on Tuesday, June 25.

Week 9

July1, 2013
Dźien Dobry! 
My p-day is Monday, so I am enjoying a great birthday. I'm now 20! I'm no longer a teenager in any sense of the word. Earlier we went bowling in the sky tower (a mall place that looks really cool on the outside, you should look it up on the internet.) Ola a member was bowling with us, she's awesome and we were also bowling with the Elders.
The district consists of Elder Smith and Elder Stumpf (who is district leader), us and the senior couple Elder and Sister Durrant. I am in Wrocław. My companion is Sister Kendall Blake who is from Utah. :) She is awesome and I am so glad she's my companion. If I'm correct, I think she is the only sister missionary training this transfer that just came in the transfer before. Last transfer was always a week shorter, so she's only been here 8 weeks. Her Polish is great and she is awesome. This transfer is 10 weeks because last transfer was 8. President Edgren just came in last Friday.  We have meetings with the zone this coming week which will be enjoyable and we will meet President and Sister Edgren. (Which I actually already met them, at the MTC. My district was able to talk to them the Saturday before we left the MTC.) They are wonderful and President Edgren will be / and already is a great Mission President. 
An amazing experience I had this week was when we ran into a woman who had just suffered the loss of her son, which was tragic and heartwrenching, but it was wonderful to be able to answer all of her questions. Where her son is now, that she will see him again and many other questions. It was a great moment to see the gospel in action, blessing the woman's life and bringing peace. She has a Book of Mormon and was eager to read the section in Alma we suggested she read. The members here are amazing! They are great examples of strength, humility and Christ-like love.
The language is coming along... I've already had hilarious experiences completly messing up with the language. Though, the gift of tongues is REAL! I can understand a whole lot more than I can say. The hardest part of the language for me is lack of vocabulary and remembering to case what I'm saying...and casing it properly. It will come in time.
The first two days in Wrocław seemed to be a blur, not knowing where I was, or what I was doing or what anyone was saying. But now I'm adjusted and hopefully be able to stand more on my own two feet. I'm working on being more bold, which is difficult for me with the lack of ability to trust the language...but really, trusting in the Lord/faith, is all I need, because through Him, I can do anything. 
We had amazing experience as a man just stopped us on the way to the chapel last Saturday and wanted the Book of Mormon and then agreed to meet with us. That was awesome! Then his name made me laugh a little... its Stanisław. I'm really teaching a Stanisław now, not just a teacher who's acting as someone named Stanisław. I just thought it was really ironic and funny. 
I love this gospel and the opportunity to share it. May God bless all of you, I love you all! 
Siostra Ellis 
P.S. Sto Lat means '100 years' and thats what people say on people's birthdays. Next week if I remember I'll give you the lyrics to the Polish Happy Birthday song.

                                         Her new companion is Sister Blake.
                   These are the new missionaries in the mission home in Warsaw.

                                             Warsaw Poland
                                             Warsazwa Centralna