Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Week 9

July1, 2013
Dźien Dobry! 
My p-day is Monday, so I am enjoying a great birthday. I'm now 20! I'm no longer a teenager in any sense of the word. Earlier we went bowling in the sky tower (a mall place that looks really cool on the outside, you should look it up on the internet.) Ola a member was bowling with us, she's awesome and we were also bowling with the Elders.
The district consists of Elder Smith and Elder Stumpf (who is district leader), us and the senior couple Elder and Sister Durrant. I am in Wrocław. My companion is Sister Kendall Blake who is from Utah. :) She is awesome and I am so glad she's my companion. If I'm correct, I think she is the only sister missionary training this transfer that just came in the transfer before. Last transfer was always a week shorter, so she's only been here 8 weeks. Her Polish is great and she is awesome. This transfer is 10 weeks because last transfer was 8. President Edgren just came in last Friday.  We have meetings with the zone this coming week which will be enjoyable and we will meet President and Sister Edgren. (Which I actually already met them, at the MTC. My district was able to talk to them the Saturday before we left the MTC.) They are wonderful and President Edgren will be / and already is a great Mission President. 
An amazing experience I had this week was when we ran into a woman who had just suffered the loss of her son, which was tragic and heartwrenching, but it was wonderful to be able to answer all of her questions. Where her son is now, that she will see him again and many other questions. It was a great moment to see the gospel in action, blessing the woman's life and bringing peace. She has a Book of Mormon and was eager to read the section in Alma we suggested she read. The members here are amazing! They are great examples of strength, humility and Christ-like love.
The language is coming along... I've already had hilarious experiences completly messing up with the language. Though, the gift of tongues is REAL! I can understand a whole lot more than I can say. The hardest part of the language for me is lack of vocabulary and remembering to case what I'm saying...and casing it properly. It will come in time.
The first two days in Wrocław seemed to be a blur, not knowing where I was, or what I was doing or what anyone was saying. But now I'm adjusted and hopefully be able to stand more on my own two feet. I'm working on being more bold, which is difficult for me with the lack of ability to trust the language...but really, trusting in the Lord/faith, is all I need, because through Him, I can do anything. 
We had amazing experience as a man just stopped us on the way to the chapel last Saturday and wanted the Book of Mormon and then agreed to meet with us. That was awesome! Then his name made me laugh a little... its Stanisław. I'm really teaching a Stanisław now, not just a teacher who's acting as someone named Stanisław. I just thought it was really ironic and funny. 
I love this gospel and the opportunity to share it. May God bless all of you, I love you all! 
Siostra Ellis 
P.S. Sto Lat means '100 years' and thats what people say on people's birthdays. Next week if I remember I'll give you the lyrics to the Polish Happy Birthday song.

                                         Her new companion is Sister Blake.
                   These are the new missionaries in the mission home in Warsaw.

                                             Warsaw Poland
                                             Warsazwa Centralna

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