Monday, July 22, 2013

Week 12 Be of Good Cheer

July 22, 2013
Dźień dobry,
This week was great! Baptismal dates for this Saturday have been moved to August 10 and 24. One of them on August 10 is an amazing lady named Teressa. I have seen a major change occur in her just since I got here, last week it was like a lightbulb switched on, and she was 'glowing with Spirit', fully ready to accept the baptismal invitation when we asked her. (This was not the first time she had been asked, but it was the first since I've been here). Her baptismal date was the 17th, but the branch is going to the temple then, so we had to change it, so this week we asked if she wanted it a week sooner or a week later, she confidently and strongly said she wanted a week earlier. She is amazing. There is so much joy in seeing the gospel change her life and see her eyes a glow with the Spirit.
I gave my first Polish talk yesterday in Sacrament meeting, it was on the Atonement. I used Preach My Gospel and the talk 'Redemption' by Elder L. Todd Christofferson. When I sat down, I could feel the Spirit very strongly, whether I spoke Polish properly or not, I don't know, but the Spirit reassured me that I did my part. I am so grateful for the Atonement. Words cannot describe how grateful I am. The empowering and enabling power of the Atonement strengthens me everyday.
Something else amazing that happened this week was also on Sunday (yesterday), during Relief Society I was a bit concerned on how I was going to meet all four our investigators that showed up to church's needs, because I couldn't understand a single word that they said, I knew they had questions, but I couldn't answer them, since I couldn't tell what the questions were. I then felt strongly of how much Heavenly Father loved those Daughters of His and how 'He has them in His Hands'. He knows His children and He takes care of them. After Relief Society Sister Blake and stepped out of the room to talk to Sister Durrant to do splits (I was teaching with Sister Durrant a wonderful 9 yr old girl that was just baptized last transferand Sister Blake was splitting with a member to teach one of the investigators) and we came back into the room to talk to the investigators and.... everyone single one of them had a member talking with them, answering their questions and also getting to know them. Every single one of them had their needs met that day.
Two wonderful scriptures I found this week: D&C 68:6 (as shown in subject line) and Mosiah 4:6-12. An amazing scripture that I was given that helped me through this week and I'm sure it will comfort all of you as well is D&C 98:1-3
Siostra Ellis

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