Sunday, May 26, 2013

Week 4

May 24, 2013
This week has been great. I got an assignment (calling, but not set-apart), I'm the online course instructor. I teach all the new incoming missionaries in the zone how to do e-mail and the missionary portal, T.A.L.L. and how to e-mail branch president. I start this Wednesday with 27 new missionaries :)  I love the MTC so much and being a missionary.
Siostra Ellis

                                     Sister Ellis and Sister Wade

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week 3

Dear family and friends,
I hope life is going well for all of you! :)
The MTC is amazing! I love it here so so much. The Spirit is strong. The MTC provides a wonderful learning environment, I have already learned so much.
I have an amazing district, we all help each other out so much and everyone is striving to be their very best. We already call each other family, thats how close we are. :)
Shout-out to Hillcrest friends, for those that know Elder Gashler (he was on the football team) he was just released as the zone leader (he leaves for the field soon) and requested that I ask that all you that know him, write him, he misses all of you. Just look up his facbook account and he says his address is there. Also I have run into Sister Turley and Elder Turney who are now in the field and Sister Hatch is still here in the MTC.
Brighton, I have run into Elder Cramer and Elder Alston.
Steiner, I have run into Elder Erickson (who just left for the field this week) and Elder Stephenson (he's still at the MTC).
All missionaries love mail, we love hearing from our friends and knowing how things are going.  
I'd love to hear from any of you, if not all. I've only heard from a small few of you and I'd really really like to hear what is going on in everyone's lives. I care about all of you!
Feel free to also ask any questions you want, I will answer.
I love you all!  May God bless you! Keep smiling! 2 Nephi 9:39 S.M.I.L.E.
Wiem ż Księga Mormona jest prawdziwy i Kościół Jezusa Chrystusa Świętych W Dniach Ostatnich jest prawdziwy kościół. Wiem ż Jozef Smith jest prorokiem boga i Thomas S. Monson jest prorokiem Boga. Wiem ż Bóg koha wy.
-Siostra Ellis

Monday, May 13, 2013

Week 2

May 10, 2013
Drogi Rodzine (Dear Family),
The MTC is still great! :) I love it! Sister Ott and I got another companion this week! so something I forgot to mention last week.... the Polish sisters bedroom-wise were split up, 4 of them in one room, Sister Ott and I alone in the other. But this Wednesday Sister Paxton joined us. She is a 'Solo Sister', the only sister going to Bulgaria. She is from Iowa and just turned 20 in March. She is so kind and loving, I love having her around! :) Still trying to figure out how the companionship works with her being a Solo Sister, but we're figuring it out. My district is amazing! They have been such a support and strength to me! Both the Sisters and Elders are such great examples and are dedicated, which is so wonderful.
The language can honestly get overwhelming at times, its true that it is a hard language, but I think I think I'm doing great for only being here for 10(+/-) days.... I have now taught 4 lessons, all in Polish and the 'progessing investigator' agreed to be baptized in three weeks, if he feels ready by that time. The investigator is actually one of our teachers, but he didn't teach us till right before our last discussion, and he only taught us then because of a miscommunication of schedules. He is hilarious! As an investigator, his name is Oleck, his real name is Brother Tribe, or 'Brot Tribe' in Polski (Polish). He is so funny and fun, the way he teaches just keeps everyone focused and entertained, and the best part.... not stressing out about the language.
I love when you hand-write me letters/dearelder, I can only read e-mail once a week, but the other letters I can read whenever they get here, which I like ;)
Love you! Koham!
Siostra Ellis

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Week 1

Dear wonderful amazing family,

The first day went great :) I was able to talk to my hostess in french, helping her practice, especially since it was SYL(speak your language) day for her. I actually understood most of what Polish we went through on the first day, all that studying is paying off ;). Though there is still a lot I don't know and I'm working hard to learn it. :) I had Cordon Bleu for dinner, which was tasty :) Then I had bratwurst for lunch (German hot dog?) and then had lasagna for dinner yesterday. My companion is Sister Ott. She was friends with Caitlin Ellis during high school! She is absolutely amazing! I am so blessed to have her as my companion. She is so fun-loving and happy. She is also so loving and caring and such a great support. She is already helping us both be better missionaries. We have high goals that we are going to accomplish. :)

I said my first prayer in Polish yesterday! :) We were singing hymns in Polish and suddenly the spirit whispers "you need to say the prayer" and I was thinking "In Polish?!" and so then when they asked for a volunteer and asked it to be in Polish I volunteered and tried my best. I butchered it, but as they say, the more mistakes you make, the more you learn! :) One has to be willing to open their mouth in order for it be filled :)
I am so grateful to be here serving the Lord. I wake with a smile on my face and it grows bigger as I put on my name tag. I love the gospel, I love being a part of this glorious gospel and I love and appreciate my Savior so much.
I love you bunches!
Siostra Ellis
2 Nephi 9:39 S.M.I.L.E.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Opening the mission call & first day at MTC

On December 19, 2013 Tiffany received her mission call to the Poland Warsaw Mission. Her report date was May 1 to the Provo MTC to learn Polish. She was so excited!

Tiffany with her first companion - Sister Ott - from Salt Lake City. Tiffany loves the MTC!

Posing with Sister Scott. Some May flowers are out. Tiffany loves the blossoms at the MTC.
Dzien Dobry! (Good morning)
This is from the first day of Polish class. Tiffany actually understood most of the Polish they went through. All her studying is paying off! Her district has 6 Sisters and 5 Elders who are all going to Poland.