Saturday, May 11, 2013

Week 1

Dear wonderful amazing family,

The first day went great :) I was able to talk to my hostess in french, helping her practice, especially since it was SYL(speak your language) day for her. I actually understood most of what Polish we went through on the first day, all that studying is paying off ;). Though there is still a lot I don't know and I'm working hard to learn it. :) I had Cordon Bleu for dinner, which was tasty :) Then I had bratwurst for lunch (German hot dog?) and then had lasagna for dinner yesterday. My companion is Sister Ott. She was friends with Caitlin Ellis during high school! She is absolutely amazing! I am so blessed to have her as my companion. She is so fun-loving and happy. She is also so loving and caring and such a great support. She is already helping us both be better missionaries. We have high goals that we are going to accomplish. :)

I said my first prayer in Polish yesterday! :) We were singing hymns in Polish and suddenly the spirit whispers "you need to say the prayer" and I was thinking "In Polish?!" and so then when they asked for a volunteer and asked it to be in Polish I volunteered and tried my best. I butchered it, but as they say, the more mistakes you make, the more you learn! :) One has to be willing to open their mouth in order for it be filled :)
I am so grateful to be here serving the Lord. I wake with a smile on my face and it grows bigger as I put on my name tag. I love the gospel, I love being a part of this glorious gospel and I love and appreciate my Savior so much.
I love you bunches!
Siostra Ellis
2 Nephi 9:39 S.M.I.L.E.

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