Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Week 23 A mission - a wonderful blessing and opportunity

October 14, 2013
This week was awesome. Full of new experiences and new things to be learned. Lately I've been sick, I learned an important lesson about slowing down and taking care of myself, but also of having the wonderful opportunity to get out and work. 

Met an amazing young woman named Klaudia this week. We met her on the street and she saw us first and was excited to see us. She readily accepted the Book of Mormon and at this point already read 20 pages. I'm super excited to teach her this week. 

We're still teaching Jola. She is absolutely amazing. She has such a strong spirit. She has had such amazing spiritual experiences. Some of which include having dreams of parts of the Book of Mormon before reading it. She knows that the Book of Mormon is from God and has already read a lot of it. Its such a blessing and privilege to teach her. 

Something I was really thinking about today was about the blessings of being on a mission. I am learning life-skills that will bless my future children and generations to come. I am being guided by my Heavenly Father through the Holy Ghost, being personally taught on what I need to do. It is such a blessing to be on a mission. Then, of course, the most important part of the mission, which I rejoice in: being able to share the gospel and see it help others and being able to serve my Heavenly Father and my Savior, Jesus Christ. A chance to show my gratitude for all They so willingly give to me. 
'count your many blessings, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done', truly I am amazed, humbled and grateful for how much I am blessed with on a daily basis. 
As my mission president, President Edgren just said in a letter to the Polish missionaries: "keep the faith, trust in the Lord and thank Him for the ride". 

Also, something I'm very grateful for: the Atonement. We could not change, grow nor learn from mistakes without the blessing of the Atonement. We could not change ourselves into who we can become without the Atonement. It is a liberating, joyful gift to have. 

2 Nephi 31:21
2 Nephi 9:49 

MiƂego Dnia! 
Love you all, have a great week! 
Siostra Ellis 

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