Monday, October 7, 2013

Week 22 Onward and upward!

October 7, 2013
This week went well, and Sister Lenhart and I are now teaching an amazing woman named Jola. She had already read part of the Book of Mormon and had tons of questions before we even met with her the first time. She is wonderful and is actively seeking truth. It is purely evident that the Lord has prepared her to accept the gospel. Our second lesson is this coming Wednesday. I'm excited :) 
I just found out (literally a few minutes ago in an e-mail from Sister Blake), that a wonderful lady Rebekah, that I had talked to, around the second week being in the country, finally has met with them and desires to be baptized! :D My heart soars with this, she never had time to meet with us and every time we did set up, it fell through. I have spent many nights praying for her and I am so glad she has finally been able to meet with the missionaries and finally has the truth she's been looking for.  (I think I may have even told about meeting a Rebecca those many weeks ago, its the same one!) 
General Conference was absolutely amazing! I hope all of you were able to listen, enjoy and learn from the wonderful talks given.
I would love to add my witness that I know my Heavenly Father lives and loves me and each of you. I know that He knows me and the situations that I'm in perfectly, He has everything planned out for me to succeed and so does He have a plan for all of you to succeed-to return to our heavenly home one day. We're all in this together, let's get everyone Home. Let us all be instruments in the hands of our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ in bringing all of our fellow brethren and sisters closer to Christ, and eventually back to our heavenly home. 
Somethings I noticed stressed in General Conference: applying the Atonement (truly the most magnificent, loving gift from our Savior and our Heavenly Father that could ever be given us), covenants (these promises aren't just what we need to do, but also ensure that Heavenly Father can help us in every way possible.) Also through application of the Atonement and these covenants we make, we are becoming more like our Savior. That's why we're on earth, to become like our Heavenly Father by following our Savior, Jesus Christ's perfect example. 
"Fear not, only believe' is the Poland Warsaw motto, and it is a wonderful motto to live by. 
I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is our Savior Jesus Christ's church. This is His gospel and He directs His church through a wonderful prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. I am grateful for this knowledge. 
Have a wonderful week everyone, and know that I care about and love each and every one of you, and more importantly your Heavenly Father loves you beyond comprehension and there is nothing that He will not help you with. Just ask and see :) 

Siostra Ellis 
                            Watching Gen Conf with the Elders at Kagele's home

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