Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 21 Exchanges, Great week, & Upcoming General Conference

September 30, 2013
Hope everything is going well for everyone! 
This week was great, its definitely colder now, winter is coming fast and it is COLD! Its going to be interesting to see how freezing cold this winter gets. 

So this week was an adventure. We've had lessons and we 'whiteboarded' (or more 'display-boarded'-we set up a display showing different things about prophets, explaining how we have prophets and apostles now and we went and talked to people about it). The highlight this week was for sure exchanges. So Monday, I was supposed to leave for transfers, but as soon as I boarded the train, Sister Lenhart answers the phone and quickly tells me to get off the train. Apparently Sister Bown's train was full, so we postponed exchanges for an entire day, that was very entertaining. Tuesday evening, about a two hour train ride later I arrived in Poznań. That night, the next day and Thursday morning was probably about the most non-stressful days I have ever had on my mission. Yet, we were still teaching lessons and being diligent and productive. (Which I didn't realize was possible, as I usually have at least a little stress). Sister Ott and I had so much fun and it's amazing seeing how much both of us have grown in just the past two months. We have both learned so much in just the past two months. 

So about General Conference, because of time zone differences of course we can't watch it at the same time. 
This is the schedule as far as I understand: 
Relief Society is on at 4 pm to 5:30 Saturday night, then Saturday morning (live) session at 6 pm to 8 pm
Then on Sunday Priesthood session is from 11:00 to 1:00, then Saturday Evening is 2 to 4, then Sunday morning is a live broadcast at 6 to 8. Then Sunday evening is 10 to 12 pm, which obviously, we'll have to watch at a later time, during P-day probably.  I'm excited to be able to listen to it in English :). 
Polish wise, as far as I understand only the live sessions of Sat morn and Sunday morning are available in Polish at those times I already mentioned, then all others.... come later I presume. 

An excerpt from 'Preach My Gospel' (pg. 75):
"We have frequent opportunities to sustain church leaders. Sustain means to support. We are to prepare ourselves so that when the prophets and apostles speak, the Holy Ghost can confirm the truths they teach, and we can then determine to follow the counsel they give us." 

Quote from 'Four Titles' by President Dieter F. Utchdorf (April 2013 Priesthood session)- think about missionary work: 
"This is a most noble labor that will challenge our every sense and stretch our every ability. Do we desire to see the heaven's open and witness the promptings of the Holy Spirit showing us the way? Then let's take up our sickle and put our back into this great work-a cause much greater than ourselves!" 

Another quote from the same talk, (remember, none of us are meant to be perfect at this moment, just striving for it and our Savior will help us every step of the way.)
"Let us never lose sight of our Advocate and Redeemer as we walk toward Him, one imperfect step after another" 

I love you all, remember to focus on what's most important! 
Siostra Ellis                                  

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