Monday, September 9, 2013

Week 18 Opening a new area!

So sadly, this will be a short e-mail considering the library apparently closes in 5 minutes...didn't know that when we started. 
So first off, I love Bydgoszcz. We're starting completely from scratch...don't even have an area book. We are compiling one right now from the females from the Elders' area books. Also, our area is the entire city, our job is 'to find the women who are ready to hear the gospel, teach them and prepare them for baptize'. Therefore the Zone Leader said we can contact anywhere in the city. They're going to figure out areas for tracting though. 
The apartment is super super nice. 
Amazing things happened this week. I'll have to tell next week. 
Success is not dependent on the area, its dependent on determination to find. 
I love missionary work. 
Hope everyone has a great week.
Sorry for me short letter.
Siostra Ellis
                                               Sisters Lenhart & Ellis
                                              New District
                                                       Ice cream!

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