Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 21 Exchanges, Great week, & Upcoming General Conference

September 30, 2013
Hope everything is going well for everyone! 
This week was great, its definitely colder now, winter is coming fast and it is COLD! Its going to be interesting to see how freezing cold this winter gets. 

So this week was an adventure. We've had lessons and we 'whiteboarded' (or more 'display-boarded'-we set up a display showing different things about prophets, explaining how we have prophets and apostles now and we went and talked to people about it). The highlight this week was for sure exchanges. So Monday, I was supposed to leave for transfers, but as soon as I boarded the train, Sister Lenhart answers the phone and quickly tells me to get off the train. Apparently Sister Bown's train was full, so we postponed exchanges for an entire day, that was very entertaining. Tuesday evening, about a two hour train ride later I arrived in Poznań. That night, the next day and Thursday morning was probably about the most non-stressful days I have ever had on my mission. Yet, we were still teaching lessons and being diligent and productive. (Which I didn't realize was possible, as I usually have at least a little stress). Sister Ott and I had so much fun and it's amazing seeing how much both of us have grown in just the past two months. We have both learned so much in just the past two months. 

So about General Conference, because of time zone differences of course we can't watch it at the same time. 
This is the schedule as far as I understand: 
Relief Society is on at 4 pm to 5:30 Saturday night, then Saturday morning (live) session at 6 pm to 8 pm
Then on Sunday Priesthood session is from 11:00 to 1:00, then Saturday Evening is 2 to 4, then Sunday morning is a live broadcast at 6 to 8. Then Sunday evening is 10 to 12 pm, which obviously, we'll have to watch at a later time, during P-day probably.  I'm excited to be able to listen to it in English :). 
Polish wise, as far as I understand only the live sessions of Sat morn and Sunday morning are available in Polish at those times I already mentioned, then all others.... come later I presume. 

An excerpt from 'Preach My Gospel' (pg. 75):
"We have frequent opportunities to sustain church leaders. Sustain means to support. We are to prepare ourselves so that when the prophets and apostles speak, the Holy Ghost can confirm the truths they teach, and we can then determine to follow the counsel they give us." 

Quote from 'Four Titles' by President Dieter F. Utchdorf (April 2013 Priesthood session)- think about missionary work: 
"This is a most noble labor that will challenge our every sense and stretch our every ability. Do we desire to see the heaven's open and witness the promptings of the Holy Spirit showing us the way? Then let's take up our sickle and put our back into this great work-a cause much greater than ourselves!" 

Another quote from the same talk, (remember, none of us are meant to be perfect at this moment, just striving for it and our Savior will help us every step of the way.)
"Let us never lose sight of our Advocate and Redeemer as we walk toward Him, one imperfect step after another" 

I love you all, remember to focus on what's most important! 
Siostra Ellis                                  

Monday, September 23, 2013

Week 20 By small and simple things

"By small and simple things, are great things come to pass". We finally have two investigators this week and we were let into one other wonderful lady's home. From these small amount of lessons we've been able to teach and very few people we've met with, will come great things. Friday when taught a wonderful older lady, it was wonderful, being able to help her and bring the Spirit into her life. This is what I live for- helping people come closer to the Savior and the blessings He and Heavenly Father so readily give us. The week was full of no one answering their doors, no one listening to us on the streets and every lesson set up being flaked.....which made the end of the week when we did meet with people, that much sweeter. :)
My appreciation for my Savior grows with every rejection, door slam, and snappy words I receive. He Himself was rejected, Our Savior and He suffered everything- willing and with the purest love. The least I can do is try my best to be an effective servant in His Hands to help His Sheep come back to Him. 
-And this is life eternal to know our Savior and Heavenly Father, truly I have seen the tiniest of glimpses and I know that all of this is worth it. Feeling their love and presence in my life as I go about doing their work is the most priceless thing. Their love is the most desirable, as said in 1 Nephi when talking about the Tree of Life, God's love is the most desirable. It is wonderful. 

Its exchanges this week, so I'm leaving today to Poznań and will be there till Wednesday afternoon. I will be on exchanges with... Sister Ott, my MTC companion. :) Sister Bown, our sister training leader, will come up here and be with Sister Lenhart. I'm pretty excited :) 

Have a great week everyone! Take some time to pray and read the scriptures, your personal relationship with Heavenly Father and your Savior, Jesus Christ, is worth it! 

Siostra Ellis 
                                                  Polish Dryer!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Week 19 Last week and this week

September 16, 2013 
So to catch you all up from last week and then this week... 
Last week I left Wrocław on Tuesday afternoon. Monday I said goodbye to Lucyna (just found out she has a baptismal date for October 12!) and to Czesława (who's baptismal date for Oct 12 is set in stone! (it was dependent on if she received an answer before) Tuesday morning. I love them :) Tuesday night was spent in Katowice and while contacting I was able to find one person and one entire family who were willing to meet with the missionaries that was awesome. Then Wednesday I traveled with Sister Blake to Warsaw (they had the trainers come into Warsaw this time) and then met up with Sister Lenhart. Oh, apparently I was the first missionary she had ever seen contact on the metro (others have, just not any of her companions or missionaries around her). We were in Warsaw until Friday, living in Sister Lenhart's Warsaw apartment, so meaning we were living with the other two sisters and we slept in the study room and I slept on a mat on the floor for two nights, it was fun. During that time in Warsaw, we went contacting, former hunting and helping the other sisters move into their apartments. Sister Packard and Sister Mikoloski came inon Thursday and we picked them up from the train station and helped lug their luggage to their apartment. While contacting and all of that during those two days I was able to find 4 different people willing to meet with the missionaries in that area. One particular one was an amazing experience as we met him while we were waiting for Sister Packard and Sister Mikoloski to buy their 'city cards'. 
There was a teenage boy sitting reading a comic book, right next to where we had put our luggage to wait for them...definitely not a coincidence, and I realized that, so I talked with him and he spoke English, what were the chances? We taught him bits of the restoration and plan of salvation, and gave him a Book of Mormon. I testified my heart out....and I saw it touch him. He said it sounded true and familiar, despite never hearing it before...just like it should. Our spirits KNOW, it will have a familiar ring because we really did live with our Heavenly Father before this live, because He did create a plan for us and that's why we're on earth right now. Our mortal minds may not know nor comprehend everything, but that doesn't stop our spirits from knowing. This guy's eyes shown and he said he was coming to church, will read the Book of Mormon and willingly meet with the missionaries and learn more. I know Heavenly Father put me in that spot at that time, for the purpose of teaching that guy. I'm grateful to have had the opportunity. 
Friday we traveled to Bydgoszcz, and I was completely I slept 3 out of the 4 hours of the train ride. Poland is mostly agriculture and forestland. Which I love. :) I feel right at home in Poland. Bydgoszcz is smaller than Wrocław and is not a big city like Wrocław. Its much more peaceful and has a whole lot more trees. If you look at a map of Bydgoszcz, the north and south ends are entirely green with forestland. I think they're 'national forests'. The people here are extremely nice and understanding. They're also really 'real' and down to earth people, they don't have as many 'walls' and seem a whole lot more comfortable out of the streets than in Wrocław, probably thanks to it being a lot smaller of a city. 
This week was spent looking for less-actives, formers and lots of area book work. It takes a lot of time compiling and updating an area book from scratch. Some of these records we're working with haven't been touched in years. We're also making a big huge map and putting together a formers book. Something funny.... I never did any area book in Wrocław, such as organizing or calling. Sister Blake did all the calls and everything was organized perfectly already. So I've gone from not knowing very much about area-book (outside of lessons and such, very familiar with keeping up-to-date accurate records about lessons :)) to being VERY familiar with area book. Also, grateful for all the missionaries before me in Wrocław that had already done all the work, and the accurate records that they kept. Please, future missionaries, current missionaries- keep your records accurate, in all aspects! Someone 5 years later may need to be able to read your handwriting or even want to know something about the person so they can teach them the gospel :) (there's some humor hidden in there for the day ;)) 
We didn't teach very much this week.... 1 member lesson, 2 active member lessons and 1 other lesson. I was really weird and different from the 15+ I was used to.... I realized how much work missionaries before me had done in Wrocław to make that possible...
We had a really cool experience this past week while trying to find the less-actives this past week, in the rain (its rained almost everyday, its been fun :) I love rain, even if I'm contacting out in it for hours :) (not sarcasm ;))) This lady as we passed by an apartment, stops us and calls out to us. She tried helping us find where we were looking for, to no avail, but then told us to come inside and she met us in the doorway of the apartment. She asked if we were Mormons, we said yes and then said, "We're missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" (in polish). Then she just asks for some paper, writes down her name and number and hands it to us.She then said, "I visited Salt Lake City and I like how happy the families are and how Mormons live their lives, I want to learn more" (She actually speaks English a little bit and she said that all in English) We're meeting with her sometime this week :) Also had some other miracle finding experiences, and was able to set up lessons for this coming week right there on the street. 
Some information on my wonderful companion as some people have requested. First, she's awesome. She is 22, part of the older group of missionaries. She will hit her half-way mark of her mission in a few days. She speaks Polish pretty well. She is very musically talented, especially in playing the French Horn, she has played with some of the finest musicians out there. We're planning on using this amazing talent sometime this week to introduce more people to the gospel. She'll play hymns on the french horn, we'll have a 'free table' set up and I shall contact and answer questions.:) 
The branch here is amazing, its one of the bigger branches in Poland, 40+ members. Its primarily men, with only about 7 active relief society and 4-5 young women. We're planning on having those numbers be much higher by the end of this transfer :) (we're planning on at least 4 baptisms, there has to be at least 4 women ready here, since there hasn't been sisters here for the past two years). Oh and I'm the pianist, no one plays the piano and they were over-joyed when they learned I play the piano, as their pianist was one of the Elders who had just been transferred. 

One side note I have felt impressed to include: Every single person that reads this-know that you are NOT alone. There are always people ready to help. If you have relief society presidents and other leaders available, talk to them, or other people you trust. You always have people to turn to. There are also three people who will never NEVER ever leave you. That is Heavenly Father, our Savior Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. (The gift of the Holy Ghost is one the most precious gifts, enabling us to always have Spirit with us) Romans 8:38-39, there is NOTHING that come between Heavenly Father and His love for us. He will ALWAYS love us, and is always, always there for us. We need only get on our knees and ask. I love you all and I want all of you to feel Heavenly Father's love for you, its real and it is the most precious thing ever. It is what I hold the most dear to me.
Scriptures from last week: 
D&C 123:17
D&C 122:7
Scriptures from this week: 
Alma 7:24-26
Romans 8
Alma 38:5 Heavenly Father will always deliver us from our trials and suffering, in His timing. He will send angels, I can personally testify of that. 
God bless all of you. 
Have a great week and I send my love! 
Siostra Ellis 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Week 18 Opening a new area!

So sadly, this will be a short e-mail considering the library apparently closes in 5 minutes...didn't know that when we started. 
So first off, I love Bydgoszcz. We're starting completely from scratch...don't even have an area book. We are compiling one right now from the females from the Elders' area books. Also, our area is the entire city, our job is 'to find the women who are ready to hear the gospel, teach them and prepare them for baptize'. Therefore the Zone Leader said we can contact anywhere in the city. They're going to figure out areas for tracting though. 
The apartment is super super nice. 
Amazing things happened this week. I'll have to tell next week. 
Success is not dependent on the area, its dependent on determination to find. 
I love missionary work. 
Hope everyone has a great week.
Sorry for me short letter.
Siostra Ellis
                                               Sisters Lenhart & Ellis
                                              New District
                                                       Ice cream!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Week 17 Transfers...and more

September 2, 2013
So with transfers..... I am being transferred to Bydgoszcz! Sister Lenhart and I are opening up the city for sisters. We are the first sisters ever in the city! am I excited? YES!
Its so cool, because the Lord has been preparing me for this the entire transfer. I have been prompted to write down what needs to be done if I ever white-wash or start an area. I am so grateful. 
This is going to be amazing adventure, doing the Lord's work, His way in His timing :) I love being a missionary and I love this people. I am sad to be leaving Wrocław. Something funny...everytime a person walks by, I light up, because... well its a person and I have a chance to share the gospel, and then when I talk to them I feel glimpse of the Lord's love for them. There's been some people that we met even last night, that I'm so sad I won't be able to help teach, but at least they are going to be taught and they will be taken care :) 
This week will be interesting with transfers, as I leave tomorrow for Katowice, stay the night there, then the next day travel to Warsaw, then stay in Warsaw until Friday with my new companion, Sister Lenhart, then on Friday travel to Bydgoszcz. I have a lot of train rides ahead of me this week. Hopefully with people nearby that I can talk to and share the gospel. Trains are great, because people obviously have time and its a relaxed and comfortable environment. 
Sister Blake and I acheived the standard again this week. We also taught 21 lessons. That was a really huge blessing. An example of enduring and seeing the blessings :) We were able to serve this week and really get back to our 'crazy hectic' schedule that we had back in July (that we haven't had since). 
Also, I have felt support of angels this week, I know that there are people on the other side of the veil, helping each missionary. This is such an amazing work to be a part of. A work that goes beyond just one of us. Its a group effort of everyone, on this side of the veil and the other. 

Scriptures of the week: 
Alma 42:31
1 Nephi 9:6- Heavenly Father truly does prepare the way and takes care of us. 
Mosiah 2:20-24,41 (This comes from amazing experience Sister Blake and I had and this set of scriptures were able to bless mulitple investigators)
Isaiah 61
Alma 12:14 
2 Nephi 33:6
2 Nephi 1:15 we are all in the arms of our Savior's love, and it is the BEST place to be. For me, its home. :) 
I love our Savior Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father and I am so grateful to be able to serve them. I'm grateful to be able to give them everything that I can right now. 

Siostra Ellis